Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Making Connections

It is amazing how many people are willing to help you. Working through the Library2Play activity this summer I commented on a post by a teacher in Australia who has recently started podcasting with her students. I told her about our project and she offered any help and suggestions based on her own experience. If you are interested in checking out her blog, it is Teaching and Learning in the Digital Age. Happy exploring.


Thursday, July 9, 2009

Power To Learn Grant Purchases

As it stands, as of July 9, 2009, here are the items we plan to purchase.

Item Cost per item Quantity Total
iPod Touch $ 189.15 30 $ 5,674.50
Protective cases $ 24.74 30 $ 742.20
Sync Cart $ 1,899.76 1 $ 1,899.76
Macbook $ 1,196.04 5 $ 5,980.20
Rock Star $ 16.48 8 $ 131.84
Thumb Tack microphone$ 12.99 15 $ 194.85
Flip camera $ 128.00 4 $ 512.00
iTunes card $ 100.00 1 $ 100.00
Asus EPC1000 netbooks $ 413.00 21 $ 8,673.00
Cart for netbooks $ 1,046.00 1 $ 1,046.00


PowerToLearn Grant

This blog has been established for the teachers and administrators from Northbrook Middle School who are involved in the grant to use technology creatively for our students. Teachers involved in the project will create weekly posts to this blog throughout the 2009-2010 school year.